Google Analytics
Qualification (IQ) Exam Practice Exam
Prepare to Pass the GAIQ Exam

Are you hoping to better track conversions on your website?

Do you need to optimize your website’s performance?

Understanding how to measure the quality of your website and how to engage customers in their journey through your website can be difficult without the powerful tool of Google Analytics. To help you leverage Google Analytics within your organization, Google has created the Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ) Exam, an industry recognized certification program. 

The GAIQ ensures your proficiency in Google Analytics, helping you get the most out of digital marketing campaigns. Don't expect the GAIQ to be easy however - the exam heavily assesses your knowledge of theory, vocabulary, application, and the Google Analytics platform itself and is meant to enable you to apply the information you learn to real-life scenarios.  

Understanding the complexity of Google certifications, we've created the Google Analytics Individual Qualification Practice Exam to help you prepare for and pass the exam.

Some of the topics covered in this practice exam include:   

  •  The Importance of Digital Analytics
  •  How Google Analytics Works
  •  Platform Principles: Fundametals, Collection, Processing & Configuration, Reporting

Take the next step towards your GAIQ and proving your Google Analytics competency. Download the Google Analytics Individual Qualification (IQ) Exam Practice Exam now.